Monday 20 April 2009


Throughout my childhood, I was bullied by my ‘good’ friend. She always got in control of me and told tales to the teachers about me which wasn’t true. I used to get in trouble because her. I was physically attacked by her – pulling my hair and kicked me. I used to be scared of her but then I had the courage to tell my mum about her. After she got caused, she kept bullying me and made remarks about me.

When I got older, I used to ignore her and made new friends. One day about few years ago, I had the courage to tell her that she made my life hell when we were very young and she kept apologising. At the time I didn’t think she understood how I felt but now she does after having her own baby.

Bullies are thugs who enjoy hurting people. Some do it to be popular and show everyone that they are tough. But it is not true not even one bit. Although I had experienced of being bullied, I was never experienced the serve bullying including stabbing, physically fighting etc. There are few reports in the newspapers that some young teenager self harm themselves or committed suicide because they were bullied. These young teenagers cannot cope with the bully. Bullies may lower their self esteem and they could be blackmailed to not tell anyone.

The most affected children and young people may be disabled, race, overweight and religions. Personally I don’t know why I was bullied. Perhaps I was a vulnerable child and was easy target for her to overpower me.

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