Tuesday 14 April 2009

Animal Cruelty

Animal Cruelty is when people who abused animals physically and mentally. There are many animals in worldwide are being abused or even being murdered by evil people. I am a big animal lover and won’t hurt a fly. When I heard all the stories about animal cruelty, I felt disgusted with these people who done it.

There are wide ranges of animal cruelty:
1. Animal Experimentation (Medical and Cosmetic) – The Scientists use the animals for experiment to see the substances they produce are effective before using them on humans. The animals – mostly monkeys are kept in cages in the lab for years with no quality of life.
2. Factory Farming – Farm animals are being killed and slaughtered for food – Personally I am not against this process because I am not a vegetarian. I tried to go off meat but couldn’t do it.
3. The Fur Trade – Animals including tiger, lions are being trapped and killed for their fur. The furs are used on fashion.
4. Hunting and Harvesting – People who are hunting for fun. I don’t agree that animals are being killed for ‘fun’.
5. Entertainment Animals – including monkeys, sea lions and dolphins are suffering cruelty during training to entertain people in the circus.

I’m against all these crimes done on animals expect factory farming. Animals are the living creatures and they need to be respected by humans and let them enjoy life in the same way we do.

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