Friday 24 April 2009

Anorexia Comment

Comment responding to Katy Jayne’s blog on anorexia:

I agree with Katy Jayne when she was talking about anorexia. In A-levels, I researched on anorexia for my health and social care essay. For that essay, I had to research on the internet, newspapers articles, television programmes, real-life stories and surveys etc. I have found some facts that are quite shocking. Especially on the television programme, the youngest anorexia sufferer was 8 years old! The media is the blame for the girls who want to lose their weight. The media including magazine has put a big perspective that all the celebrities must be ‘perfect’ and even criticizing them if they has put on weight or have cellulite. They have gone too far and they are putting young girls’ mind that they have to be ‘perfect’.

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