Sunday 3 May 2009

Booze Britain

It was very interesting to hear all the facts about alcohol in the lecture last Thursday. In Britain, we see alcohol as a social norm and don’t see anything wrong with drinking. Our lecturer had some statistics to show how many of us are drinking every day and how much we drink. It was interesting aspect that young people drink heavy on one session while older people drink sensibly every day.

It is true. I am 20 years old and I am a binge drinker. I drink three times a week and do drink heavy to get drunk. All my friends are the same as me. We see it as a normal and we do it to socialise with each other in pubs and nightclubs. There was one occasion when I was really drunk and didn’t remember much – I was drinking double vodka all night and according to my friends that I was missing. They all were looking for me and found me sleeping on my doorstep! I was shocked and scared that I could risk my life if I am being drunk like this again. I learnt my lesson and never drank heavy when I go out.

Programmes such as Booze Britain had showed the reality of how drunken people are. They are often been involved in fighting/arguments and ended up being arrested and some may end up in hospital. It has cost a lot of money in NHS. The Government had tried to tackle these problems by introducing the units and allowing some bars/nightclubs to open 24 hours. First of all, we don’t have a clue what unit means and I believe that bars open for 24 hours doesn’t help to tackle the problems. It is actually make the situation a lot worse!

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